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Post Info TOPIC: Is submarine living space expensive?


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Is submarine living space expensive?

In fact submarine living space is quite affordable. All depends on the project setup. In projects we have done so far like the black hull below which is the room equivalent of a 68 squaremeter apartment, the squaremeter living space had a production cost of about USD 1000 with a roomheight of 2,5m what is standard room height. Living space in most city centers around the world is considerably more expensive.

submarine yachting

submarine yacht

interior picture submarine yacht

submarine yacht interior

I doubth like you, that there will be a lot of people that voluntaryly adopt submarine confinement as a desireable syle of living.

It may be one out of hundred who really would like to live disconnected from the surface, producing oxigen from the seawater wandering submerged and seperated from mankind trough the worlds oceans captain nemo style.

The typical owner would handle a submersible living space bubble habitat (i avoid the word submarine due to the misleading coffin perception) as a simple yacht that is in almost all of its aspects a yacht, just absolute storm safe, seasickness free, burglar safe, and maintenance cost free.

Like other yachties you would not be the whole day enclosed inside your boat. You would form part of a yachtie community anchored in the bay of a caribbean island.

In the morning you would row over to the beach meet with people from the other boats, have a beach grill, a coconut, a island adventure - you would only return to your boat to have a pleaseant night sleep in a king size bed and a freshwater shower.

There are differences in lifestyle to other yachties. For example when you leave your boat in the morning (all of your family - nobody wants to stay and watch the family home) you just close the hatch - so your living space becomes absolute burglar safe.

The other yachties always live a bit preocupied about their boat, is somebody breaking in to steal your nav equipment?, is the weather on the anchorplace changing smashing the boat against the reef?,  - so they tend to live "in sight" of the boat.

You on the other hand, when get an offer for this dream on week trip - take it - when you return you will find your stuff well protected inside your living space bubble - just exactly as you left it there - breaking in trough a hatch is like breaking into a banksafe - nobody can deploy the necessary (heavy industrial) tools on a anchorplace.

Another situation where your life is really different to a yachtie is when you are together with several sailing and motor yachts anchored in front of this pristine beach of a unhabitated island. Somebody has a radio and spreads the news that tropical cyclon Bertha category 4 is closing in. Now it becomes clear why this beautiful island was uninhabitated in first place - no save harbor miles around.

Some yachts rush out into the dark of the night to make it by the speed of their expensive engines to the next safe spot - just to find that it is cramped with poorly anchored industrial barges that tend to come loose in a storm and grind everything in their way to pieces.

Smaller yachts send the kids for the nearest hotel to be safe and go for the mangroves to bring out several lines to the trunks and fight it out. They can make it as long as the storm surge is moderate.

You on the other hand just close your hatch drink a coffee watch TV - no need to leave the anchor place. If things become bumpy flood your ballast tanks and lay your bubble some 5m down on the sandy lagoon bottom until the storm has passed over you. You and your family are safe as in a underground bunker.

You could take advantage of the **** weather and the sudden absence of all your yachtie friends and make a few miles to visit the next spot. You sail out directly into the storm - trim your living space bubble at snorkel depth - you leave the coffee cup on the table, you watch the weather the sea and ship traffic with your snorkel top camara - but your comfort is not affected by the storm.

Your live will also be a bit different when aproaching a cramped marina with no space for "another boat" - you will always be the "most exotic boat" that draws the attention and marina owners will love to asign you a nice place to stay - maybe for free. While it may be difficult to have privacy in a cramped marina on a surface boat - you close your hatch and you have it.

Your living space bubble will also be different in terms of aircon, comfort electrics, and loading capacity.

For example a yacht in the caribbean can spend dozends of dollars a day in aircon to make the climate below a sun heated deck just bearable. The seawater around your hull maintains the inside at 22 degee with no aircon need.

Yacht owners sometimes go crazy with the vibrations and noise of the small generator that keeps the battery and freezer alive. Noise dampening and vibration is most of all a function of bulkhead weight - bad news for "leight weight yacht outfitting" - you have your generator behind 20cm concrete - complete silence guaranteed.

Yachties are always short of loading capacity for freshwater food, tools, equipment.

You on the other hand have dozends of tons loading capacity this gives you not only the freedom of a much longer range compared with similar sized surface yachts - it also allows you to make a living as a trader - moving cold beer in hotel quantity to remote locations.

We can build concrete submarine yachts at a cost of 331 Euro per cubic meter of displacement. This means that the cost of living space is compareable to European city housing cost.

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-- Edited by admin on Saturday 14th of November 2015 10:23:25 PM



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That would be cheaper living space than in european city centers...



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The submarine yacht offers a living space that is mobile - can be moved near the center of any (coastal) city, can travel worldwide without being shaken by storms and wave action, requires no "classic seamenship" for handling. It offer also a living space that has "aircon quality" due to the positive temperature effects of the surrounding seawater.



The yacht industry needed some 30 years to accept catamarans as "feasible boating solutions" - how long do you expect it will take to make submarines yachting mainstream...


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Anonymous wrote:

The yacht industry needed some 30 years to accept catamarans as "feasible boating solutions" - how long do you expect it will take to make submarines yachting mainstream...

 Thats not entirely true- dick newick was building cats and tri's, in the 70's  Arthur piver,60's many were built.

 and many others such N. herreshoff built them as early as 1878...they became more popluar back in the 60's due to people like farrier and hobie.the golden globe of 1967 had the famous Donald crowhurst vessel -a trimaran.....


 James wharram was probably the first to become famous selling plans for functional designs and this was in the early 70's..they were popular back then --a catamaran had the worlds fastest run for about three decades, was unchallenged by this, a Herreshoff design-

so now people are having the "collective consciousness effect" with the trend toward submersibles put it simply--submersibles are hot right now.

many kittredge subs have been built and this has opened up psubbing as a possibility for middle income families. Furthermore--this is not a new idea- jules verne originated this idea in his now famous book 20 000 leagues under the sea--people have been waiting for this--now the timing is right..


to quote nemo


"Think of it. On the surface there is hunger and fear. Men still exercise unjust laws. They fight, tear one another to pieces. A mere few feet beneath the waves their reign ceases, their evil drowns. Here on the ocean floor is the only independence. Here I am free! Imagine what would happen if they controlled machines such as this submarine boat. Far better that they think there's a monster and hunt me with harpoons."


-- Edited by u-boatdreams on Friday 9th of September 2011 04:48:21 PM

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds A. Einstien


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We do not have to convince the "general public" to get the first submarine yachts ready. It is sufficient if a few extreme individualists start to see the beauty of the concept. Submarine Yachts are already among us. (left to right - Our boat, 18m 200 tons,  Malen, Peter Madsten Nautilus, Carsten Standfuss Euronaut, Alicia ...)


images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR5s0Wx_XjL_z41UTebc6fHwqWGHh3AGiMxGmJIk3U5olseGvDOimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcSOK0q00zpZGw28t2Z4BGrgd14TYExVzsReJ79VOCOIlElUVWM4DAlaunchparty3_custom750x500_.JPG?1211402958images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRxEz5Vmei60mEoQLNFbfIZIlTzodEFalfxS8Kn0U564P50ekaB images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTbCjbQMv_pwdx1faqtayrnD3EVu4F-NtyAd8cwuLrv-2ocEgXR .




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Agreed- what i think is- there is a large part of the population that is slightly fearful of enclosed spaces...I personally could not go with less than 6 ft diameter. other wise its just too small, and id feel couped up. but with a bright large sub--it would be amazing--this is one of the problems--viewports---since they would be the weakest part of the sub wouldnt they? Id like to get a huge dome viewport for running at sea like the k-350 has but i have no idea what it would cost. I was thinking of laminating together-using clear epoxy or some kind of polyurethane glue, to use six or seven layers of 1/4 inch (6mm) lexan)--do you think this could work? then i can custom create 1.5 inch viewports to say 50 cm or less...

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds A. Einstien

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Carstens sub looks good in that pic.--its all done to standards. i guess its not really a personal sub and will likely get contracted out for research purposes??? more like a commercial submarine.


when do you think he will launch?

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds A. Einstien


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The video of the hull from the website does not look as a claustrophobic ambient (video) the hull only contains 8 viewports of 50 cm diameter quite a bit of light inside. Much more than in many apartments i have seen...

video inside hull


-- Edited by tornado on Monday 12th of September 2011 06:54:21 PM



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does not look claustrophobic to me (video inside) - there are only 8 viewports ... there is much more natural light inside that hull than in Donald Trumps business jet.

In the aluminium tube of an airplane the windows are extremly small and situated at the worst possible spot due to fatigue issues (see comet incident)  - even so - a skillful interior designer can convert that "tubular space with no light from above" into something spectacular.

In a submarine yacht the space is wider and recieves light from above - so the interior design can be even better than in a business jet.


boeing freighter inside

-- Edited by admin on Saturday 24th of March 2012 06:22:50 PM


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yes-- i definitely love those big viewports...what is the costs of those? They look small because of the size of the actual hul,l but at 50 cm's thats going to have lots of light--thing is running in darker waters even a few  feet below will darken them right up...i like l.e.d. lights inside my sub. adds a nice happy light when its dark too...where ill be travelling mostly-the great lakes--its crystal the viewports will be a great feature...

i wanted to ask--what would be best for knowing whats below you in the sub?--i.e. is there depth finders??.but what about whats coming up in front of the sub ?? do we se this if its dark ??? and running submerged?


hil repeat this post elsewhere on this site....

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds A. Einstien


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Most of the time you will run a submarine yacht in snorkel mode so you have a visual from the snorkel top camara that has a better view (higher viewpoint some 7 m height) than from the deck of a boat. You also get GPS data in snorkel mode so you know exactly where you are.

Another form to run a sub is having one of that last generation forward looking sonars that can give you a video like view 400m in front of the sub in real time very much as a dolphin sees.

link: see how a swarm of sardines appear on the sonar cost around 5 K.


I would take viewports more as a means to get daylight into the hull and to see fish and sea life that unevitably aproaches the lighted viewports in the open sea.




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Reading List:

Basic Concrete Engineering for Builders with CDROM / Design of Concrete Structures / Strength Design for Reinforced - Concrete Hydraulic Structures Engineering Manual on CD / Design of Offshore Concrete Structures / Construction of Marine and Offshore Structures, Second Edition (Civil Engineering - Advisors) / The Dock Manual: Designing/Building/Maintaining / Theory and Design of Concrete Shells / Thin Shell Concrete Structures / design procedures of reinforced concrete shell structures (JGJT 22-98) / Understanding Structures / Concrete Planet: The Strange and Fascinating Story of the World's Most Common Man-made Material / Concrete Construction Manual (Construction Manuals (englisch)) / Large Wind Turbines: Design and Economics / Dynamics of Offshore Structures / Offshore Technology in Civil Engineering / Design of Offshore Concrete Structures / Concrete in the Marine Environment (Modern Concrete Technology)

-- Edited by admin on Thursday 15th of March 2012 09:50:48 PM



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Concrete Floating Structures

Surface Floating Concepts:

The axes of ocean colonization / floating real estate building lots on the water / Plate Seastead - Plate Floating Element for Ocean Colonization / Catamaran Concrete Floating Elements - Base for Ocean Living / Floating Concrete Breakwater Marina / Ocean colonization how to get there / Ramform ship island as ocean base mobile stable scaleable / small honeycomb floating concrete structures in cartagena / Seabreaks for dampening colossal ocean waves / Ocean colonization technology / Ocean colonization company / Oustanding floating concrete structures / ocean colonization general considerations / Interesting projects for ocean colonization / Aquaculture, business, trade, mininig, energy, salvage, making money afloat /

Submerged Concepts:

The captain nemo float out - seasteading / Sub movement finished - Submarine Yacht / Is submarine living space expensive? / concrete pressure vessel / Concrete submarine project / submarine yacht / concrete submarine yacht supporter club / Submerged living space bubble concept basics / Exotic Submerged Bubble Hotel / sea orbiter / Current Turbine Concrete Hull /



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Concrete Floating Structures

Surface Floating Concepts:

The axes of ocean colonization / floating real estate building lots on the water / Plate Seastead - Plate Floating Element for Ocean Colonization / Catamaran Concrete Floating Elements - Base for Ocean Living / Floating Concrete Breakwater Marina / Ocean colonization how to get there / Ramform ship island as ocean base mobile stable scaleable / small honeycomb floating concrete structures in cartagena / Seabreaks for dampening colossal ocean waves / Ocean colonization technology / Ocean colonization company / Oustanding floating concrete structures / ocean colonization general considerations / Interesting projects for ocean colonization / Aquaculture, business, trade, mininig, energy, salvage, making money afloat /

Submerged Concepts:

The captain nemo float out - seasteading / Sub movement finished - Submarine Yacht / Is submarine living space expensive? / concrete pressure vessel / Concrete submarine project / submarine yacht / concrete submarine yacht supporter club / Submerged living space bubble concept basics / Exotic Submerged Bubble Hotel / sea orbiter / Current Turbine Concrete Hull /



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cost per cubic meter private submarine projects

captain nemo, submarine yacht, feasibility, cost, concept, purchase

yacht submarine, private submarine

-- Edited by admin on Friday 8th of February 2013 01:23:31 PM



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-- Edited by admin on Tuesday 31st of May 2016 08:39:21 PM



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